Models & Charts
Acupuncture models and wall charts
Knowledge, skill and experience of the therapist significantly influence the success of an acupuncture treatment. To demonstrate and practice certain techniques in acupuncture, a variety of acupuncture models and mannequins are available. These models show the acupuncture points of a body part or the human anatomy with the meridians and are also partially pinnable. Such models facilitate training for the acupuncturist and also serve to explain the treatment to patients.
Many acupuncture points can, of course, also be explained using anatomy posters, diagrams or acupuncture wall charts. The educational charts are not only decorative, but also offer in-depth, detailed information on the depicted stimulation points and are generally available in different languages. For easy maintenance and an attractive appearance, most acupuncture posters optionally have a high-quality lamination.
At acupunctureworld, you can purchase acupuncture models, as well as anatomical diagrams and wall charts depicting the meridians conveniently online.
The content of this article should not be construed as medical advice and is not a substitute for the recommendations of a medical professional. If you have any specific questions, please contact your doctor or alternative medicine practitioner.